Chandler, OK

October 16, 2023

Chandler has a 1930 Phillips Station that currently is being restored. There also is the 1939 Lincoln Motel, which has a distinctive neon sign and small bungalows to stay in.

Chandler claims to be the site of the last wild west type shoot out, when in 1924 retired former Dodge City Marshall Bill Tilghman was killed by a corrupt prohibition officer. Tilghman is buried in the cemetery West of town.

The last Meremec Caverns painted barn west of town is the last of such relics on Route 66.

Jerry McClanahan's Art Gallery is in Chandler. His artwork can be found all over Route 66, including in a specially redone room at the Munger Moss Motel in Lebanon MO.

Chandler also has the Route 66 Interpretive Center-Oklahoma Route 66 Association.

As you leave tow, look for a small restaurant called Destinations. It's a rustic spot with many antiques on display and good food too!

from Chandler:

From Chadler, follow OK 66 to Warwick

from Chandler:

From Manville in Downtown Chandler, bear right onto OK 66 - Get on E 1st St and follow OK 66 to Davenport

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