Bristow, OK

October 16, 2023

Bristow has the headquarters of the Route 66 Rallies that are held in Milfay, Oklahoma. The rally site is a large camp ground with RV hook ups. There appear to be several events a year, but advertising is sparse and it's hard to find out what's going on.

Downtown has some interesting brick buildings, including the Bristow Historical Museum, which has railroad related displays.

As you head out of town on Roland St, look in the Chrysler Dealer lot for a Giant Penguin.

from Bristow:

From Bristow, take a right onto OK 66/Roland St out of town, Be Careful: Its an easy turn to mkiss! - After about seven miles look for a small sign to Depew, go left following a small Route 66 Shield sign and loop through Downtown Depew (There will be no signs to guide you, so you will just have to make your own way through) - Follow the road back to the intersection with Hwy 66 and go left toward Stroud

from Bristow:

From 4th St in Bristow, follow OK 66 through town - Follow OK 66 to Kellyville

View - Bristow to Bellvue in a larger map

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