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Depew, OK

October 16, 2023

Depew was founded in 1901 and became a thriving oil town on the original 1926 alignment of Route 66. The roads around Depew were still dirt, but the Route 66 portion through town was paved. During the depression, the oil business in Depew dried up and so did the town as the businesses supported by the oil industry closed.

Depew has lost much of its former luster, but the 500 or so residents are sprucing the town up with murals and other artworks.

To see Depew be careful to follow the signs off of the bigger alignment of Route 66 you will be following. There are no signs to guide you through town, but you should be able to figure it out without too much of a problem. Once in the little village you will find Spangler's Store, an old bank building and some other neat sites. Just keep following the loop around until you get back to the main road.

from Depew:

from Depew:

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