Peach Springs, AZ

October 16, 2023

Peach Springs is a village of only 600, and is the administrative headquarters of the Hualapai ("People of the Tall Pine")People, who have been in this area for over 1,000 years. It is on the Hualapai Reservation.

In the 1880s, Peach Springs had a railroad water station, 10 saloons, no churches and no schools. It later had a roadhouse and a stage coach line.

Alas, there is not much in Peach Springs today except the Hualapai Lodge, which features the River Runners Restaurant.

from Peach Springs:

From Peach Springs, follow Route 66 to Truxton

from Peach Springs:

From Peach Springs, follow AZ 66 toward Seligman - AZ 66 becomes Route 66 - When approaching town, follow Route 66 under the West side access road into town

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